Black Pearls Adjustment

Hi AnitoFam,

We are going to make some adjustments to the way players purchase Black Pearls.

  1. We will keep adjusting the price of in-game items that use Black Pearls to reflect the variable market, when needed. This is so that players will never feel like they’re getting into a bad deal.
  2. We are making Black Pearls exclusive to LARO to help the price and utility. This does not really affect players at all because we have seen them convert their $GINTO to $LARO and buy Black Pearls (you can do this conversion via Pancakeswap). We have other exciting plans for GINTO. Stay tuned!
  3. The upcoming Battle Pass can be bought with Black Pearls

We are applying these changes to take effect on Monday, April 17 2023, 8AM (GMT+8) server reset.

On a separate note, we have released some quick infographics on the Discord channel (as well as here) which players can share with friends who have been curious about the game. The number one question we get is how to earn the $GINTO token and these graphics illustrate the many ways.


